Getting Started With Theme Development

Kirk WightIt can start as simply as, “I just want this thing over there”. Maybe the themes you’ve found just don’t match what you have in your head, or the idea of creating themes piques your DIY attitude, or desire for a new career. Getting into theme development may be just what you need to scratch that itch.

This presentation will concentrate on the tools, techniques and skills necessary for starting out in theme development, while providing some advice to minimize the growing pains. As we go along, we’ll pair our fundamentals with a quick look at more advanced techniques, giving some context for our journey into theme development.

A basic understanding of HTML and CSS will be beneficial. This presentation is targeted to beginning coders and designers, and those with some web design experience looking to work with WordPress.

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About Kirk Wight

Kirk Wight builds WordPress websites for fun and a living in Montreal, Quebec. He is a former IT Manager, and also volunteers for the WordPress Theme Review Team. Follow @kwightca on Twitter.